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Friday, April 27, 2012

Mandala Design - Inventory Day

Ok, so maybe inventory isn't that exciting, but take a look at what I get to ride to the stores to take that inventory...
 That's right, my trusty little red motorcycle.  So, maybe inventory isn't so bad after all? 
Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming that this is my job!
Don't get me wrong it's not all wine and roses.  In fact, I don't even like wine, or roses for that matter (I'm more of a beer and daisies kind of girl), but on days like today it feels like all the stress and uncertainty of owning my own business is well worth it.  I mean, come on, who gets to ride around the city on a motorcycle on a beautiful day for work?!
I rode to all three Fresh Collective stores and decided to take a shot of my motorcycle in front of each one.
Just because.

In Kensington Market in front of Fresh Collective-Kensington where I had a nice chat with Tamara.

In front of Fresh Collective-Queen W.  Said hello to Kelly of Elementals jewellery and to the ever-stylishly-colourful Jessie, of Sugar Rush.

At Fresh Collective's newest location on Roncesvalles.  Met Roncie's new store manager, Joe.
With inventory done, it's time to re-stock and deliver some new things to the shops next week.  Unfortunately, the saddlebags aren't quite big enough to hold all the clothes I'll be delivering, so next time I'll have to take the car. 
But, next inventory day, I'll be back on the bike!!

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